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Feeding Communities

Mission statement: We believe everyone should have access to food, no questions asked. Feeding Communities came about through the need to support people in the face of the unprecedented time we endured in March 2020. 

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The Aim:

At the beginning was simple; to aid as many people as we could through the early months of the pandemic. Particularly focusing on vulnerable, adults, families, and children, who were struggling or suffering from food poverty. 

Using our client facilities, in March of 2020 we began producing food parcels and freshly prepared meals in response to the food shortages that were happening globally due to the effects caused by the pandemic. Homelessness rose to unimaginable heights during the pandemic and with many public resources and support services shut or unable to provide volunteers due to the need to isolate or shield those already vulnerable and suffering were left with minimal to no support or access to food. 
We saw the struggle that many communities were facing when trying to access food and we knew change was needed.

As long as food poverty exists, we will continue to provide free meals to all who need them. It doesn’t take much to change a life and it can start with as much as a meal.



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